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Archives of Holidays

How do You Roll from Here?

OMG, did you notice it’s September 2013 already? Maybe you feel like from September there’s a downhill slope. ……to the holiday season ……….and end of the year ………………….and then 2014. The holidays, end of the year and the new year are 3 very distinct things in actuality — but they swoosh by like a sprite […]

Sincere Gratitude: A Real Thank You or None at All, Thanks

So this month we are supposed to feel Gratitude. Everyone has gratitude, and likes to feel it. The spontaneous arising of authentic appreciation feels warm and fuzzy, sometimes really exciting. But what about those times when we fake the form of gratitude without any feeling whatsoever? We’re obligated at times- especially during this month- to give […]

Five 5 min Holiday Yoga Breaks and What They’re Good For

Just do it!!  This is your mantra during chaotic situations when you find yourself making rational excuses about why you can’t just stop, pause, reflect for a yoga break.  Here are 5 ways to spend the break and some intentions you can connect to them. Knowing what an exercise does for you while you are […]

Heart as Love Machine: Love as Lifeforce

The first yogis were among those who wisely understood the productive power of the heart. They saw the heart’s symbolic color as green– the color we associate with money, sustainability and potential. The “Anahata,” or Heart Chakra in many yogic traditions is represented by a green flower whose bloom is synonymous with willpower and the […]

Regarding the Glamour of the New

In general, we’re all about newness in this fast-paced, global information age. New information steals our attention away from the old. New things are more shiny than the ones we already have. New year’s skepticism just doesn’t quite filter out the seductive glow of portent and opportunity. So many people are basking in that glow. Illuminating […]
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